Three weeks and counting....
My family has been sick for part of last month and now halfway through this month. My husband had it the worst, next was Gabe with high temps and the big "D", then me with this feeling that I could vomit any moment, but never do and Boo being tired with an ear infection. Yuck. Gabe is all smiles all the time. Even at a temp of 102 with diarrhea, he is laughing. The only signs he gave us were loss of typical appetite, runny stools and he felt warm. That's it. He was not sluggish, unhappy or tired. This only
heightened my fear that Gabe could be very well "hiding" other illnesses. I heard someone say recently that if it doesn't bother him, like the bloating of his belly, it really doesn't need to be addressed. Again, I was flabbergasted at such an absurd comment. His reflux doesn't "bother" him that we know, he doesn't show any signs of discomfort, but it doesn't negate the fact that it was burning his esophagus every time it came up. That's why I kept at the GI doctor until he agreed to putting Gabe on Prevacid in order to protect his esophagus. With all the medical technology out there, why is it that doctors and specialists are so reluctant to use it?I feel that I have to research what I think could be the problem with Gabe, then bring in enough research to back my claim, and then what I suggest the treatment should be. Does that sound right to anyone? Does anyone else feel that way?
Anyway, we have another appointment with the GI doctor within the next week and a half. If I do not get the answers I want, I will have to get another GI doctor. What just sucks about that is that they want to do the tests again under their supervision. I do not want Gabe to have to drink Barium again and also have the scope done in his Upper GI. I think that there are only a few things worse than watching your child having a medically intrusive procedure done before your eyes. I just want the reflux to stop, his belly to stop being bloated and to move on. Hopefully we get a better answer than "Some children grow out of it and some don't. " That sounds more like "I don't know what I am talking about so I will just blow this up your ass." Wish us luck.