Monday, February 06, 2006


In Gabe's last meeting at his ABA School, a discussion emerged about what our plans were for him after this program ended in August. I was thinking enrolling him in the ECDD Program(Early Childhood Developmental Delay) through our school district. The Behavioral Specialist that runs Gabe's school believed that Gabe would do great in a regular preschool with an aide and to look into that instead. Wow. I was in a daze. I felt like I won the lottery without ever buying a ticket. It seemed so out of the scope of where our hopes were.
"Now, how would that work?" I asked.

That's the most important question you need to ask yourself as a parent thinking of mainstreaming your child. Because, in the Special Ed. classroom, your child may be getting limited services, good or bad or both, but they are at least being overseen by someone with knowledge in the area of what your child's needs are, an aide could be anyone. Let me repeat that....ANYONE. They do not have to have knowledge about anything that applies to your child. Most do not have a background in Special Education or education for that matter. They are underpaid, no health insurance, no seniority. What kind of quality aide do you think you will receive from a school district that is floundering to stay out of the red?


Now, I know there are absolutely awesome, caring, very intelligent aides that bring wonderful opportunity with them and bestow it upon the child they help. I knew a few where I taught. BUT, those are few and far in between. I have taught in 3 different districts for close to a decade and most aides cared, but did not provide the quality help that a specialist could. Could I leave my son with someone unqualified in education AND Autism?
Yikes. I shiver at the thought.

Gabe's ABA School suggested that I find an ABA specialist to be his "shadow"/aide and have the district hire them for Gabe.
"What?" I thought. "How do I do that?"
Oh, the whole idea of me going to the School district and asking them to loosen the purse strings just for me, well...sounds a bit unrealistic. But, I'll try. Why not. Should be interesting.

Did I mention that Gabe has to be potty trained to attend most preschools? The ECDD Program he does not. He has shown interest, but is a bit peeved when I pull down his pants.
He looks at me like, "Mother! What exactly are you doing!?
He does not like to take his clothes off out of context. If it is not breakfast or dinnertime, or bath time, there is no reason that Gabe can see to remove his clothes. We have been instructed, through his school, to work on this. That means to strip him down a few times a day, whenever. lol Poor Gabe :o)

So, we will be looking into potty training in the summer. This fall, I think I will sign him up for 2 ,1/2 days a week through our school district's preschool, maybe they can hire me to be his aide (Hmmmm) and then he can attend the ECDD Program the other 3, 1/2 days. Not sure. That's the plan for now.

Now, that we are creeping up on attending public school, I feel more anxiety. I know the environment we are embarking on, I am crossing my fingers that it will be as wonderful as Bud's (Mom NOS). Those fabulously, awesome teachers are out there. I just hope we find ours.