Happy Birthday Gabe
To my wonderful little boy,
Can I just say how awesome you are, how you absolutely amaze me, how incredibly handsome and spectacular your smile is, how much I love you? Every year I search for the perfect words to convey the beauty that you bring to the world, to our family and I always feel as if I come up short, just missing with my words the intensity and deep love that I have for you. This past year, I have been so thankful that we began heading down the right path together, hand in hand, you and me. With the help of some wonderful people, I slowly started to understand your world. Each day you
shared with me another little piece of the person you are, some I understood (like your love for holding favorite toys), others become an Aha! for later (Sleeping on the heating vent in your room), while others stay a quiet secret, private giggles I hear from your car seat (Some echoics that are mostly slurred). All amazing aspects of the unique person you are, each of us a specially wrapped gift waiting to reveal the surprise that is our true selves within. This year you achieved the following spectacular things; learning your alphabet (upper and lower case) and their sounds all on your own, counting to 20 (Minus 14-
16), brushing your teeth, saying hi to people unprompted, giving hugs and kisses, playing with Siena, PLAYING!!!!! with toys and people, SPEAKING!!!!!! sometimes 3 word phrases, riding a tricylce, singing songs (A lot of Playhouse Disney Tunes and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom), Eating Table Food!!!!, Food allergies are under control and you look and feel better. Gabe you bloomed this year. I think you grew a whole two years in one.I just want to give you a big squeeeeeze!!! I would hold you all day if I could, sneaking in kisses and zerberts when I could. Three years old you are. Wow. It seems so young, yet so old at the same time. Having left your baby years behind a few years ago, now we are waving goodbye to the toddler you once were and welcoming our "Big" Boy!
I remember asking God when you were born to let you be a baby just a little longer than Boo was, to let me spend endless hours admiring your pursed lips and sleepy eyes. Now, I look forward to getting more glimpses of your developing personality, laughing when we hide under the blanket, reading stories in bed and blowing out more candles together. Happy Birthday Gabe. You make my world so beautiful. Thank you.Love,Mommy