Monday, May 15, 2006

Today's Lecture.....

Is entitled..."Is she trying to kill me!!!"
NO! Really. Is she?

As some of you may know from this post, I have an unsolicited lecture series just for me , "Oh Boy!", that occurs every Monday while Gabe is at speech. I went in prepared this time with great advice, a big book and my I-Pod, but wouldn't you know it, I left my "balls" at home. It so happens that she honestly believes that she is helping me. The other woman who is in the waiting room, who also has children with ASD, believes it is her God given duty to inform me of what she thinks it is best for Gabe.

I started off strong, I did! Large book covering most of my face and I-Pod in lap. No eye contact and I ignored her when comments were made, focusing only on Gabe before he went in. But, wouldn't you know it, the second Gabe left and the room went quite, I threw the book up in the air, almost resting it on my eyes, I made the mistake of leaving the I-Pod in my lap. "PUT THEM ON!!!!" The part of me that remembered last weeks fiasco screamed. No, no, I thought. This should work fine, she can't even see me. I felt like I was back in grade school and making the fortress of books around me, so I could disappear in class. I probably shouldn't read the top of the page though, because she may think I was looking her way. Should I only read the middle? What fun is that? Oh God, Help me! Don't look, Don't look, don't look! my gut whispered.

She starts to talk. There is no one around, but me to receive the mindless info. Ok....grunt, just like SD (Super Daddy) does. You're acknowledging, but not really. A clear sign of saying "Not Interested". I grunt, but she is still talking. The grunt went unnoticed.
Is she trying to sell me something????!!!!! She whips out the Arbonne catalogue and is trying to sell me something. What the...????? All ASD parents are poor, at least the ones I know, or are struggling now with all the therapies and doctor bills.
I stop, look up and say, "Are you trying to sell me something?"I was flabbergasted.
In mid sentence I stop her sales pitch and say,"We are struggling as it is, I can't justify buying expensive cosmetics. Can you?"
This lady is always throwing out how poor they are and how they are struggling, yet she is buying Arbonne cosmetics? Huh...
With a huff she goes back to what she was doing.

Class dismissed!!!!......Hoooooooray!!! I Did it!!! Way to go!!!

Oh, but the lecture has not even begun!

Welcome to "You should do this charity event and I will tell you all about it in the next half hour." Ready? Oh who cares! I'm going to tell you anyway!"

My will to please and be liked had now been pushed aside by my need to breathe and desire to strangle her. So, being the mature person I am (just not in this case), I chose the less traveled path, I argued with her about everything. I let it all hang out. What I thought about this and that. I told her I wasn't interested, that what she was telling me wouldn't work tax wise. Who knew I knew anything about charities?
On and on it went until she had had it with me and my mouth and said, "Well, I have been doing this longer than you!"
That's when I laughed to myself and thought, "Yes, you probably have been a pushy, thoughtless, dictator in most of your so called "conversations" with people. You probably push yourself on everyone you come in contact with that gives you an inch where you then take a mile."
I took a deep breath, realized that it has nothing to do with me and remembered they had a bench outside the waiting room that I will use next time. Gabe then came out with a sucker and a smile. He perfectly blocked her out of my world.