Friday, March 03, 2006

Creative Thinking

At home again today, but now with the diagnosis of Strep. The new doctor we tried this time can be summed up in one word.....ahhhhhh...No. Not a good sign when you have to explain your son's diagnosis. What is with doctor's not getting the idea of a Spectrum ? PDD-NOS is pretty common, but yet some doctor's I've met are still like...Is he Autistic? Ahhhhhh...Yeah.(???) Then I have to explain how he met some of the criteria (Delayed speech, lack of eye contact) and how he did not meet some (Has many social attributes, does not meet stimming criteria). So, Oh well. We already have another practice in mind to try. As a pediatrician, from a reputable hospital, she kind've treated my son like he was a patient 5 year old (He's 2) who had some condition that made him a Leper. This was a doctor my husband had talked to and assured him that she has worked with Autistic children as patients. Not seeing it. I'm guessing she had zilch, zero.

I can't go back to our pediatrician that we've had for about 5 years now. I feel I have exhausted all the resources or ideas about Gabe's health from them. I was beginning to feel like I was being labeled the mom who may cause waves talking about those other treatment ideas. Sometimes we had to see the head doctor of the group our doctor was in and he asked me EVERY time if I thought Gabe was born with Autism. Depending on whether I wanted to return to this doctor , I new I had to carefully choose my answer. He had been snubbed, I guess, from parents that chose Chelation through another doctor. Sad that he couldn't get over himself and instead projected it on me and probably other parents with ASD children.

Anyhoo, I need to get over the idea that I may just one day find that perfect doctor. Deep breath....and let it go. What is that saying?.....Ah..."Let go and Let God." Sounds good to me.

Gabe did something really interesting today. I was doing some common object/animal/colors flash cards during his favorite snack. He is quit
e the thinker and finds the ones he doesn't know a challenge. What was really interesting was how creative he was when he didn't know what the object was and the answer he chose. Nest was a bowl, Ship was a boat, Dark brown cow was a horse, Belt for pants was a seat belt. Pretty amazing. He is really thinking about what he saw. Not just look and label, but what is that? It is probably due to his features program (Wing on plane, chimney on house). This program done with ABA provides the opportunity to have to really look at the object to find the specific feature. I can't wait to see where all this thinking goes!