Saturday, January 28, 2006

Flipping a coin

Hmmmmmm....Which is harder........Peanut Allergy? or Celiac disease? I'm now throwing the spatula in the air, laying on the kitchen table, arms outstretched, ready for my crucifixion to begin. Why don't we just crawl in a hole away from civilization and just eat dirt.

Where did this need to pack up my family and live in a hole far, far away come from? Just plain eating of food. Period. What is my divine escape at the end of the day, could possibly kill one or both of my children. Am I being global in my thinking, maybe. I do tend to let my thoughts create an avalanche in my life. But BOTH, peanut allergy and Celiac Disease???? Come on!

Today at Gabe's pediatrician, I discussed with the head doctor a few concerns that I have been having. (Did I tell you that each and every time I have to remind him that Gabe has Autism and was premature? Shouldn't that be TWO red flags on his folder? You'd think.)Luckily, we only see him when we have concerns that we believe the other doctor missed. They are great with getting to the bottom line, but you have to know who to ask and trust your gut. Anyway, I have been talking about Gabe's big belly for about a year now. This time I put together this equation for the doctor...
Autism+prematurely+constant reflux+big belly=Something is wrong!
I had my ducks in a row and it paid off. On Monday , I will call his Gastrointestinal Dr and ask if they biopsy for Celiac Disease during his upper GI scope. If not, blood tests for Gabe and the family. We have to get a blood test, because it is genetic and we could have it and not know. Yikes.

I am relieved in a way that we can cross off another mysterious symptom that Gabe has, The Santa Belly. But, saddened at the idea that maybe it is yet another diagnosis that carries the tag of "life long condition".