Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Conversation with Gabe #1

It's breakfast time and Gabe enters room using the more sign.

"More". "More". "More?" he says.

"More what?" I answer trying to get him to ask for what he wants.

"More?" He replies.

"More cereal Gabe?" (Gotta get that two word request in.)

He pauses and looks like he is in deep thought.

Then replies, "More fen fie."

"French fry?" "No sweetie. No French Fries for breakfast."

"Fen Fie!" He looks amazed at himself for thinking of it.

(WOW! Did he just come up with an answer all on his own???? Now, I really wanted to give him some. He had come up with a new food to request for without prompting or labeling. I felt like doing 10 cartwheels, but I'm a little crickety. )

"How about cereal?" I say with a smile.

"Cereal!""Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!" He does a little dance and smiles back.

"What do we need?" I wait.

I wait some more.

"What do we put it in?" "Aaaaaaaaaaa.........?"

"Bowl!" Gabe points to cupboard.

We're getting there!