Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What's For Dinner....

Today I made the best dinner ever....

Turkey nestled in a bed of rice seasoned with a light turkey gravy
Steamed broccoli
Succulent pears
followed by delicately sliced banana

and Gabe ate it.

All of it.

Every last single bite.
No screaming, no gagging, no crying.
I felt like crying.
I never thought we would ever make it here. To a place where food was not the enemy.
So, here we are thanks to many people at Gabe's school and an eating program centered around ABA.
We donated ALL the baby food we had left to a food pantry this past weekend.
Goodbye Gerber and Heinz!!!!!!!!
Hello grapes, broccoli, pears, bananas, turkey, rice, sausage, green beans, wheat free noodles in a light butter sauce and more!