Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Little Perspective

Sometimes it takes a few old videos to put the past and present into perspective....
(Sometimes they take a few minutes to load on Blogger....)

Gabe then....
* Gabe at 13 months old
* He did not have any words yet, just sounds (very cute sounds)
*1 month later he walked
* It was only two months later that he started not responding to his name

* Soon after this he stopped playing
* He was diagnosed with Autism 5 months later
* We had no idea at the time that most of what we fed him he was allergic to

Gabe now.....
*He is on a diet free of allergens
*His asthma is coming under control the more we learn about it
* Gabe is full of expressive language and sentences!
*He has been diagnosed with Autism for 2 1/2 years now

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?
And how quickly you learn...